Sunday, January 10, 2010

Guan Yin Pu Sa Photo

Collection of Guan Yin Pu Sa photo (观音菩萨照片) share to everyone, and wish the world is safe, happiness, everyone is caring each other, and praying to everyone...wish your all happy.

* This blog post photo will be keep updating, welcome to back to visiting again, or bookmark us. Click it to enlarge to see which you like it.

Guan Yin Pu Sa 001

Pu Sa Elephant Space

愿你平安无事, 身体健康, 心想事成。我们大家做的功德都回向给你的祖先, 冤情债主 愿它们早日可离苦得乐,脱离六道轮回, 往西方极乐世界, 阿弥陀佛欢喜来接引。

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